The Valley of Vision: Puritan Prayers
Before my classes, I often read a prayer from the book Valley of Vision: A collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions. There is something about reading the words of Christians from an earlier time that removes us from our view of the world and faith. The same is true of prayers before the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries too, even though these are post-Reformation prayers!
Every once in a while, one of the prayers will particularly stand out to me. That was the case with the prayer from yesterday: "The Life Look" (p. 54). One of the lines goes as follows: "I want no other rock to build upon than that I have, desire no other hope than that of gospel truth, need no other look than that which gazes on the cross."
The prayer ends with these words: "O God, hear me, do for me more than I ask, think, or dream."